

04 Aug 24

Writers Retreat at Rue Galilee B&B in March 2025

One week of peace ... especially for You.

Would you like to dedicate time and space to your writing project?

Escape to the warm welcome of Rue Galilee B&B, in southern France, and enjoy a week of unrivalled hospitality in the company of like-minded individuals. Let us take care of your daily needs, for warmth, good food and comfort, so you can devote yourself to purely creative pursuits. 

We have a great reputation for hospitality, built over the past nine years of welcoming international guests to Jan's beautifully restored home. And now we want to add an extra level, for one week starting 18th March 2025, to accommodate writers who want a little bit more. 

We understand that everyone's style and requirements will be different. With a maximum of just nine guests we are confident we can tailor our Retreat to fit each person's needs. With plenty of cosy nooks in this inspiring location you can choose how much, or how little, you mix with your hosts, Jan and Sara, and your fellow house-guests.  There's a well-stocked private in-house Bar to share tales of progress (or frustrations!) at the end of the day. But if words are tumbling to the page when meals are served, you might just want to grab a plate, return to your desk, and keep it all flowing! 

There's a full description in the Retreat Details of the one-to-one extras we can offer, relating to websites, promotional videos and audiobooks.  And we will ask you to let us know you food preferences when you make your booking. 

Most importantly, for now, please bear in mind we have limited spaces for this special offer, so check the website and select your room as quickly as possible. 

Book before 30th September 2024 and claim your Early Bird Incentive of a free cocktail at the Bar for each night of your stay.

You're Welcome!



Port Marseillan

Port Marseillan

23 Oct 23


Have a look at our latest project: a website totally devoted to sharing all the best places to eat, drink and visit whilst you are staying in Marseillan.

If you thought our little town on L'Etang du Thau only holds enough to entertain you for a couple of days ... think again!  With more than twenty restaurants and tasting establishments, you will be hard pressed to try all our favourite recipes in less than a week (maybe two). And who would want to miss the chance to sample all those delicious oysters and mussels, fresh from the sun-drenched Sea? 

We have a great range of places for you to choose to share a glass or two of wine together with friends, old and new, too. With colourful restaurants and bars conveniently place all along the harbour-front, you can watch the boats and yachts bobbing on their moorings as the sun goes down. "Another Perfect Day" can be the title of your journal postings, every day!

Browse the pages of and find all your favourites. Then let us know which you consider the top highlight of your holiday.


26 Sep 23

Midi Libre 16 Septembre 2023

Article in Midi Libre - September 2023

We were very happy and proud to be visited by a journalist and photographer from Midi Libre, to document the moment when we gave a copy of both our books (English and French versions) to the Mayor of Marseillan, Yves Michel.

A summary of the article is as follows:

"The amazing story of the Rue Galilee B&B"

Jan Larsson, a Swede who didn't speak a word of French, fell in love with the city - and with a dilapidated house in particular.

Jan had lived a colourful life before moving to France. From starting his career as an electrician on oil platforms in Norway at the age of seventeen, to his three-year round-the-world trip that started from Helsingborg in Sweden in 2002.

When Jan is presented with the ruin of a house, originally built in 1678, his enthusiastic exclamation "Yes, I'll buy it" is music to the surprised estate agent's ears.

This was a new challenge and a chance for Jan to finally realise his old dream of creating a B&B. With the help of local craftsmen, they started the renovation work in 2015, in accordance with French rules, and despite Jan not speaking a word of the language! Ten months later, the "Rue Galilee B&B" was inaugurated in the presence of the Mayor, who recalled: "I used to come here when I was very young; my friends lived here". The Mayor also noted that "this restoration of a heritage site is a godsend for a tourist town" as Marseillan has been lacking a hotel.

"How to Create a Great B&B" and its French counterpart "Comment créer un B&B Exceptionnel" were written by Jan's girlfriend, Sara Verrall, to pass on his useful tips from the lessons he has learnt, as well as telling funny anecdotes about the steps along the way. Dedicating the first copy of the books to the Mayor seemed a fitting way to celebrate their publication.

And when Jan is asked if he doesn't regret giving up his life as a sailor, he replies: "I am so proud to welcome 70% of French guests here! For the other 30% I had to cross oceans to all corners of the world, but now I just need to open my door."

All books, e-books and audiobooks are available on Amazon.